אור חדש

The story of Yehezkel Meir z”l from Petach Tikva, and Benny from Kiryat Malachi

Yehezkel Meir z”l from Petach Tikva served as a fighter in the paratroopers brigade and during his military service he was seriously injured and was recognized as disabled by the IDF. For decades his devoted family took care of him until he died at an old age. Never having had a family of his own, his family decided to donate his tefillin to ‘Or Hadash’ which is an organization that takes care of inspection and thorough repair, if needed, of old tefillin.

Until a few months ago, Benny was a soldier stationed in one of the outposts near the Gaza border. A few days before Simchat Torah, Benny’s commander decided to send him to a special course in another area, and thus he was not at the outpost when the terrorists yemach shemam entered that outpost and murdered practically everyone who was there. One of Benny’s friends also had a miracle that day when he was saved from the party that took place not far from there. The two friends decided, following their rescue, to commit to putting on tefillin every day. They contacted us and received two pairs of tefillin mehudaros. Since then, Benny puts on the tefillin that used to belong to Yehezkel z”l every day.